How Far Along: 34 weeks (pic: 34w2d)
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Durian Fruit (although my belly looks like a watermelon)
Total Weight Gain: I think I’m up a solid 15 lbs. 🙂
Sex: Girl
Movement: Frequent, and she’s all up in my ribs.
Sleep: Getting harder and harder to stay asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night really uncomfortable, only to make myself even more uncomfortable when I try to adjust. Ugh.
What I miss: Not being pregnant.
Cravings: Ice cream, cookies, ice cream, ice cream.
Symptoms: I’m leaky. We won’t get into specifics, but.
Labor Signs:Â Nada.
Emotions: Is “done” an emotion?
Maternity Clothes:Â Ugh. Yes. Forever.
Best Moment this week: I don’t really remember much about the last week… Is that bad?
To do list: Shower this weekend! I’ve figured out what all we still need and how much it’s going to cost. (~$600.) Hopefully the shower will knock a significant portion of that out. 🙂
Bonus pic:

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