How Far Along: 21 weeks
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Philly cheese steak
Total Weight Gain: I’m up about 5 lbs. My house is full of cookies and fudge right now. If I’m not up another 5 by Christmas, I’ll be shocked.
Sex: Boy
Movement: He’s active, but I’m starting to get a feel for his daily rhythms. He seems to actually sleep, which is completely different from Isla who never seemed to sleep in utero and certainly didn’t on the outside.
Sleep: As long as I have all my pillows, we’re good.
What I Miss: Spiked hot cocoa while watching Christmas movies
Cravings: Chicken nuggets. Sounds totally disgusting when I talk about it, but when they’re right in front of me, I want to eat a million of them.
Symptoms: SI joint pain, round ligament pain, some nausea. I’ve had two sessions with the chiro at this point, and the adjustments/massage do seem to be helping.
Maternity Clothes: I’m still making those non-maternity shirts stretch, but I’m running out of ones that will work.
Preparations: Registered for a labor class and got pre-registered with our hospital.
Emotions: So relieved. We had our anatomy scan on Tuesday (finally!), and everything came back looking great. It’s so weird to head into the second half of this pregnancy with everything totally normal. No additional monitoring and ultrasounds, no perinatologist, no extra testing. Just a boring, average pregnancy. Thank god.
PgAL Thoughts: Holy crap, we’re having a baby!
Best Moment(s) This Week: The long look at baby boy was the absolute highlight not only of this week but possibly of the last year. We’re having a healthy baby! We also had a lovely Christmas party with friends over the weekend and have been having a great time celebrating the holidays with Isla.

Cheers to a normal and boring, healthy pregnancy!