Check in and see how pregnancy #2 is going at 34 weeks.
Healthy Pregnancy, Happy Mama
People keep asking me how I’m feeling. This is a pretty standard part of pregnancy and usually my answer is something along the lines of, “Large.” Because obviously. The truth is, though, I feel pretty great. I started to type this sentence with the qualifier “for someone who is 33 weeks pregnant,” and thenRead More
Baking #2: 32 Weeks
Check in and see how pregnancy #2 is going at 32 weeks.
Baking #2: 31 Weeks
Check in and see how pregnancy #2 is going at 31 weeks.
Baking #2: 30 Weeks
Check in and see how pregnancy #2 is going at 30 weeks.
Baking #2: 29 Weeks
Check in and see how pregnancy #2 is going at 29 weeks.