How Far Along: 37 weeks (pic: 37w0d) — FULL TERM!
Size of Baby as Relative to Common Household Fruit or Vegetable: Watermelon (no one is as unsurprised by this comparison as I am)
Total Weight Gain: Up 19 lbs.
Sex: Girl
Movement: She does that.
Sleep: Well. I woke up one night this week to regurgitated dinner in my mouth. That’s about how sleep is going for me these days.
What I miss: Being comfortable for even a second.
Cravings: Whatever won’t give me heartburn.
Symptoms: Constant peeing. Swollen feet. Sweaty everything. Can barely walk, she’s so low. Massive heartburn/acid reflux. Having a hard time getting deep breaths again (despite the fact that she’s dropped.) Everything is uncomfortable. You know. The pregnant lady stereotypes.
Labor Signs: So…we’ve got tons of BH contractions in the evenings that no amount of water-drinking or position-changing or hot baths will get rid of. Only sleep seems to help. Not exciting in and of itself, but I’ve started passing bits of what I’m pretty sure are my mucous plug. When the doctor checked me out on Friday, she confirmed that the baby is VERY low (so low that this helps to explain why my fundal height was measuring at only about what they’d expect at 33 weeks, even though we know her growth is on track) and that this pressure is definitely resulting in my cervix thinning out. I’m 1 cm dilated. I’m still hoping Isla will make her appearance sometime in the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.
Emotions: Ready. Our friends were over tonight with their 2 month old, and it was so great, because they had to bring the minimum amount of stuff because we have everything set up and ready to go for a baby. Before they left, Kellen was threatening to keep their baby because he’s so ready to have one of his own. We’re both just so ready for her to be here and so tired of waiting to meet her!
Maternity Clothes: Over it.
Best Moment this week: I got a hair cut and pedi with a friend today. SO NICE!
To do list: Have a baby.
[…] Comparison: Here. Just want to note, they no longer consider 37 weeks “term” but “early […]