I feel like every hour these days just barely crawls by.
Tomorrow I hit the 39-week mark and have an appointment with my doctor. I suspect she’s going to tell me I’m still just 1 cm dilated and that not a lot has changed in the last week. That I’m probably going to be back in the office for another routine check-up next week. That we’re no closer to having a baby.
This waiting business is seriously bumming me out. Every day brings some new, late pregnancy unpleasantness, and my house is filled with baby things that continue to go unused. I’m still having a lot of contractions, but while they are all lasting more than a minute, sometimes they’re 1-2 minutes apart, sometimes they’re 10+ minutes apart, and there really doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to them. None of them are really painful either. Just uncomfortable.
I’ve been listening to my “Come OUT, baby!” Hypnobabies CD on repeat all week since I received it on Tuesday (I had it overnighted on Monday.) I’ve been doing my tea and EPO. I’ve been bouncing on my exercise ball.
I just don’t understand how some people can be so zen about, “The baby will come when s/he’s ready.” Patience has never particularly been my strong suit, but now, I’m just ready to tear my hair out. I’m so uncomfortable. I’m so sick of wondering if today will be the day and how I’m going to wrap everything up at work and what we’ll do with the dog if it happens at some weird time of day, etc., etc. I’m ready to have a baby. The end.
Kelsey says
I feel your pain.. I have been there myslef. When I was pregnant with my son I was so ready for the baby to come and he just wanted to stay in there I guess. I was 41 weeks and had to be induced because I just wouldnt go into labor. The last few weeks seem like the worst because of how big you get and all the peeing and acid reflux. Well thats how it was for me anyway. I hope your baby comes soon… It is such an awesome feeling to finally hold your baby!
Angel Collins says
Pain sucks!,sorry for the word but when the time you see your baby, It feels worth it.babies are great inspiration.