We had another ultrasound today. The theme of this ultrasound seemed to be, “We can’t get a clear shot.” The main purpose of the u/s was to see if my left ovary looks good, but my bowels were in the way, so they didn’t get a clear shot. They think everything was fine, but couldn’t see everything. Then, they tried to see if they could see the baby’s sex, but it kept its adorable little legs straight out the whole time (see the shot above of the legs) and couldn’t get a clear shot. The tech said if she had to guess, she’d say girl, but she wasn’t certain at all. I thought girl, too, but agreed that there was never a clear enough picture to tell. =\ Oh, well. Hopefully next time, which thankfully is just a week away!
The good news is, I’m feeling a lot better and baby appears to be healthy. It wasn’t as wiggly today as it was last time. Next time, I’ll make sure to have some peanut butter before going in!
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