Why advertise with Mom in Leggings?
Mom in Leggings has a growing readership of environmentally-conscious parents of babies and small children. It’s the perfect place to feature companies and goods that cater to families interested in natural parenting and eco-friendly products.
Mom in Leggings Stats
- Monthly pageviews: 9000+
- Facebook: 1100+ followers
- Google+: 750+ followers
- Twitter: 900+ followers
Reviews, Giveaways, and Sponsor Spotlights
I love sharing products I benefit from with other parents. If you think the moms and dads reading my blog might be interested in your company or one of your products, I would love to write a review of your product (~500 words) to share with my readers. The post would be featured on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
I am also happy to feature products in a giveaway, which would include a sponsor spotlight reviewing your product(s), a Rafflecopter form for entering the giveaway that would be used to drive traffic to your website, shop, and social media sites of your choice, and then giving away one of these products to a winner selected from those who entered the giveaway.
The cost of a review or giveaway is only the cost of the item for review and/or giveaway, no additional fees.
Contact Information
To contact Katie, the owner of Mom in Leggings, please send an e-mail here. Let me know in the subject line whether you are interested in an ad, a review, or a giveaway–or a combination of all three! Thank you.
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