Here’s our full reproductive history. Hooray for oversharing because you’ve become completely desensitized to discussions about private parts!
- May 2011 – We decide to try for a baby. Instantly knocked up!
- March 2012 – Isla is born via emergency c-section after moderately complicated, but not overly concerning pregnancy.
- June 2012 – We love Isla to pieces, but we haven’t slept in over 2 months. Mirena IUD inserted, vow we’re not having any more kids until Isla is in college.
- January 2014 – Start spotting.
- February 2014 – Still spotting.
- March 2014 – 2 months of spotting is my limit. Get Mirena removed. Cycles immediately return to normal.
- May 2014 – Decide to try for a baby. Instantly knocked up!
- July 2014 – Ultrasound shows a way too small baby, no heartbeat. Misoprostol is administered. Heartbroken.
- September 2014 – Finally stop bleeding from the miscarriage. (Seriously.)
- October 2014 – Start trying again.
- December 2014 – BFP #3, but I already knew it was doomed. Period shows up next day, Christmas Eve. Worst Christmas ever.
- January and February 2015 – Extremely heavy bleeding during my period. See OBGYN. Nothing turns up on ultrasound.
- Start seeing an acupuncturist weekly.
- March 2015 – See an RE for RPL, short LPs, weird bleeding. He says we’re young, healthy, and will probably get pregnant again pretty soon, but offers to run some tests.
- First test is a SIS and major issues are immediately apparent. My uterus is full of…something.
- Follow-up hysteroscopy turns up a lot of scar tissue in my ute, definitely preventing carrying a pregnancy. Scar tissue is removed. Stint placed. Loaded up with estrogen.
- May 2015 – SIS shows a good looking uterus. Cleared to TTC.
- June 2015 – BFP #4 on our second cycle post-surgery. First two betas look good. Start progesterone, and breathe a momentary sigh of relief.
- July 2015 – Sudden loss of symptoms. Ask for another blood test. Miscarriage confirmed. Stop progesterone and wait for pregnancy to end naturally.
- Second hysteroscopy after miscarriage completed. Weird protrusion sent off to lab, stubbly bits of remaining scar tissue removed. Cleared to TTC 2 weeks later.
- All the blood tests conducted. Heterozygous MTHFR mutation on A1298C and C677T found. Start Folgard.
- August 2015 – BFP #5. Beta #1 at 14 DPO: 243. Beta #2 at 16 DPO: 430. Beta #3 at 18 DPO: 803.
- Ultrasound at 6w3d shows baby measuring perfectly with a heartbeat of 131 bpm.
- September 2015 – Ultrasound at 7w5d shows baby measuring perfectly again with a heartbeat of 160 bpm. Baby more than doubled in size since the last u/s, limb buds visible, and baby even moved for us during the u/s!
- Ultrasound at 8w3d looks wonderful. Baby measuring perfectly, moving, see blood pulsing in cord. Have retroverted uterus and will probably have anterior placenta, which should make this one fun for PgAL brain, as one will make it harder to hear baby on doppler and other will make it harder to feel baby’s movement. Love our new OB/midwife practice.
- Bonus ultrasound at 9w5d still looks great. Baby has a booty, feet, and hands!
- At 10 weeks, able to consistently find baby’s heartbeat on doppler. Paranoia ameliorated.
- October 2015 – NT scan and panorama results in. Low risk baby boy!